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Squids just want to have fun!

     We're a casual team that is only casual because we're not as good as other players, and we serve as a safe place for people who, like ancient prehistoric squids, can't rise above C level. We play League (even if we aren't very good), Salmon run, and Turf War! There aren't any restrictions, besides be nice, friendly, and active!




1. Be nice to other people inside the group! This means no dissing someone or harassing anyone.

2. Be nice to other people OUTSIDE the group! Look at the above.

3. Swearing is allowed on this server, but use of slurs will not be tolerated.

4. Keep conversations in their proper channels.

5. Be as active as possible. If you aren't active for at least a few weeks, you will be kicked. If you need to take time off, message me and I won't kick you.

6. Please no NSFW. No one wants to see that.

7. Make sure to use the ★RS★ tag in your name, or you might not be identified!


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